45th Reunion - Wayzata Yacht Club
August 23, 2013 |

1. Bruce Wagner &
Lucia Harmon

2. Bruce Wagner does some last minute recruiting

3. Debbie Abelson |

4: Dusty Macgregor & Dayton Berg |
Some people like to be photographed more than others. If you have some
good photos, contact us!
Click any Photo
for large view Note: Main people in
foreground are listed; photos are edited for posting size. Original Images
available by request Photos from Jeff

5. Debbie Abelson & Jake Cadwallader |

6. Louise Nelson

7: Chris Utz; Randy & Gabbie Lofgren; Mary Etzel; Annette
LaPointe |

8. Randy & Gabbie Lofgren

9. Where's your Name Tag?? Wendy Raun; Bonnie McCannel; Pat Bauer;
Karen VanBrocklin

10. Wow! That shirt from the 25th reunion still fits!
Julie Laven & Bruce Wagner

11. Remember that time by Medicine Lake?... Steve Zank &
Karen VanBrocklin

12. Sandy Nalls; Dusty Macgregor; Susie Hursh

13. Jeff Lambert & Chris Utz send texts to each other

14. Randy Lofgren; Mike Leviska; Louise Nelson; Jeff Lambert; et.
al. |