50th Reunion - French Park
September 21, 2018 |

1. Classmate Bill Martin serenades the crowd
Photo from Debra Duepner |

2. Great potential facility for a future pot-luck reunion! |

3. Susie Hursh just loves reunions |

4: Bruce Wagner and Pat Bauer try to figure out
high-tech |
Some people like to be photographed more than others. If you have some
good photos, contact us!
50th Reunion
Click any Photo
for large view Note: Main people in
foreground are listed; photos are edited for posting size. Original Images
available by request Photos from Jeff
Walton |

5. Hi-Tech ultimately prevails |

6. Pat Bauer and
Bruce Wagner |

7: Pat Bauer, Bruce Wagner, Bonnie McCannel and Susie Hursh

8. Louise Nelson adds to an impressive pot-luck food spread |

9. Bill and Marcia Martin, Debra Duepner, Julie Laven

10. Grill is ready!

11. Norm Bendickson, Mark Cullinen, Don Anderson and Louise

12. Jeanne Cosby, Glenn Skinner and Betsy Cady

13. Classmate Bill Martin provides smooth guitar sounds
https://billmartinguitarist.com |

14. Just a few blocks away from the Crowne Plaza

15. Julie Laven,
Mark Laberge, Gabbie Lofgren, Debbie Abelson, Wendy Raun

16. Marcia and Bill Martin setting up the entertainment

17. Glenn Skinner, Dale Swanson and lots of backs.

15. Bruce Wagner,
Dale Swanson, Pat Bauer, Louise Nelson and a host of others. |

16. Dinner is served!

17. Pot luck Dinner and entertainment

18. Tury Hage checks out the poster for Bill Martins 1965 band:
The Blazers

19. ?, Annette LaPointe, Jeff Rice, Mark LaBerge, Dayton Berg,
Tury Hage, Randy Lofgren

20. Doloros Howse,
Bruce Wagner,
Norm Bendickson,
Tom Buranen,
Debbie Duepner

21. Betsy Cady,
Jim Erickson, Don Anderson, Susie Hursh

22. John Palmer,
Wendy Raun

23. Dayton Berg and Bill Scheller deciding who gets to take the
food home

24. Glenn Skinner,
Luke Stemmer

25. Bonnie McCannel, Dallas Richason and Chris Utz, Luke Stemmer
Gary Midge (rear),
Dale Swanson |

26. Jake Cadwallader,
Dusty Macgregor

27. Dayton Berg,
Randy Lofgren |

28. Celebrating 50 years

29. Pat Bauer,
Luke Stemmer |