55th Reunion - French Park
September 9, 2023 |

1. Jeff Rice

2. Food! |

3. Louise Nelson;
Danny Goodmunson;
Bobbi Godward |

4: Spouses at a class reunion... |
Some people like to be photographed more than others. If you have some
good photos, contact us!
55th Reunion
Click any Photo
for large view Note: Main people in
foreground are listed; photos are edited for posting size. Original Images
available by request Photos from Jeff
Walton |

5. Jeff Rice; Jerry Jubert; Bill Scheller |

6. Julia Laven works the dessert table |

7: Mark LaBerge;
Debbie Ableson;
Julie Laven; Randy Lofgren |

8. Mary Stuart Snyder and Susie Hursh spreading gossip... |

9. Susie Hursh attempts to bribe the crowd with treats

10. Steve Frick; Bruce Wagner; Dayton Berg; Jake Cadwallader; Pat
Bauer |

11. Bobbie Godward, Louise Nelson, Danny Goodmunson

12. Kris Young and
Sue Wells |

13. Bob Simmons and Sue Wells |

14. Tim Hawthorne and Bill Scheller |

15. Randy Lofgren debates cookies with Jeff Rice and Bob Simmons
entertains the ladies. |

16. Everyone deep in discussion

17. Peter Gordienko; Jeff Rice; Mark LaBerge; Randy Lofgren; Bill

18. Vicki Linden; Steve Zank; Paul Titcombe; Glenn Skinner |

19. Wendy Raun; Steve Thompson; and Kris Young |

20.Kris Young
and Pat Bauer |