55th Reunion - French Park
September 9, 2023 |

1. Dave Olausen

2. Debra (Duepner) Bonebreak |

3. Dayton Berg
and Steve Zank |

4:Chris Utz; Steve Frick and Kathy Frick |
Some people like to be photographed more than others. If you have some
good photos, contact us!
55th Reunion
Click any Photo
for large view Note: Main people in
foreground are listed; photos are edited for posting size. Original Images
available by request Photos from Jeff
Walton |

5. Dale Swanson
and Dallas Utz |
6. Franco Capriotti; Jerry Jubert; Bruce Wagner |
7: Bruce Wagner still rocking the 25th Reunion T-Shirt with Julie Laven |
8. Julie Laven, X, Bobbi Godward |

9. Bobbi Godward

10. Julie Laven

11. Paul Titcombe

12. Louise Nelson and Debbie Abelson

13. Kris Young

14. Wendy Raun

15. Jeff Rice;
Dan Goodmunson;
Bruce Wagner;
Jake Cadwallader |

16. Louise Nelson;
Steve Zank; Chris Utz;
Bill Scheller |

17. Debbie Abelson;
Paul Titcombe; Sue Wells |

18. Dale Swanson
and Vicki Linden |

19. Wendy Raun; Louise Nelson; Dusty Macgregor |

20. Bob Simmons on the finer points of making Smores